Dienstag, 30. Juni 2015

Dota 2 After 12 minutes of trying to break the last set of raxes with Techis chain mines

Dota 2 After 12 minutes of trying to break the last set of raxes with Techis chain mines

Landmines have a half damage radius(500) and a full damage radius(200) in dota 2. The full damage radius is also the trigger radius, so if you place the mines within the trees 500 units away, they won't blow up. Then, accounting for half damage and armor of the rax, you stack enough mines hidden in the trees to one shot the rax, and you drag an enemy unit over to trigger them.

You only need 11 mines if there is no backdoor protection. Backdoor protection in dota 2 reduces all damage taken to 75%. Of course, you could detonate the mines when your creeps are in the enemy base (perhaps in another lane), but there's a higher chance the enemy would happen to use a glyph.

 Hey I was the storm spirit in that dota 2 game. Techies was too scared to grab the creeps alone. When I was trying to grab the creeps I just started panicking like crazy, and as you can see if the video I did almost mess it up. Also this game of dota 2 was like 5500 average which makes it pretty crazy that this trick worked.

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Dota 2 So this is the max stacks of agility Slark can steal

Dota 2 So this is the max stacks of agility Slark can steal

Well, yeah, he is attacking with max attack speed (~3.5 attacks per second) for 119 seconds in dota 2, which gives 420 as a limit.

 This is just a representative of how many attacks a hero in dota 2 can possibly do within 120 seconds (excluding alchemist with like 3-4 moon shards)

 Maybe it was "meant" to be 420 in dota 2 but patch where they changed max Atack Speed fucked that up?

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Dota 2 Futa's Way: Lion (Slashers Way Parody)

Dota 2 Futa's Way: Lion (Slashers Way Parody)

When I was 2k in dota 2 I played against a solo offlane Lion who maxed mana drain as Naix. Couldn't chase him out of lane because he'd hex/impale me everytime I tried harassing him out of lane while my afk jungling Doom won't come out to gank while our offlane was a dual lane. Had no mana despite stick. Most infuriating victory of my life in a dota 2 game.
Just saying it's legit in the trench.

Man, I was watching Slahsers streaming dota 2 couple of days ago. He was playing Furion and his team was pushing highground but they were all low, so he tps back home and buys a shit ton of salves and then teleports back in and heals his teammates LOL.

Imagine all the heroes in dota 2 who are currently suffering something similar. Viper was definetely one as well. No one cared about Viper until they went mek on him.
And there's so many new items right now in dota 2. Could one be the thing a hero was waiting for, sort of how CK now can go with mangoes for definite first bloods, but as an unknown core item on that forgotten hero.
Somewhere, out there, lives the next incarnation of the metaforger...

"I like to upgrade my gloves of haste in dota 2 as soon as possible... To treads..." I fucking died.

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Dota 2 EternaLEnVy Stream Freakout on Youtube

Dota 2 EternaLEnVy Stream Freakout on Youtube

It's funny from the outside, but in all honesty Envy is a huge tryhard in dota 2 and if you get him on your team and you want a win, you're best off just doing what he tells you because 95% of the time literally just following all his instructions will get you a win in.

While Envy is absolutely correct in that he is so much better in dota 2 then that Earthshaker/rest of his teammates, he fails to see that casual gamers don't seek to perform at their highest potencial level, and thus doesn't care to make anything about it. They aren't competetive, Envy is, thats the difference here, and thus reactions are abnoxious for him, because he gets mad and wonders " why aren't they taking immediate action like I would". Envy recognizes a problem in dota 2, sees the solution as only "swift". Shaker understands envys concern and comprehends the solution, but is happy with a win or loss, since he doesn't care, and doesn't react asap.

I dont know what he says if i EVER get the chance to play with him in dota 2 i am going to listen he is a pro dota player chances are you will learn something.

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Dota 2 - If you never saw how the Techies script works, there it is

Dota 2 - If you never saw how the Techies script works, 

there it is

To all the people saying that his score in dota 2 sucks considering he is using scripts:
As he wins more he gets paired with better and better players in dota 2, until he gets paired with players that are as good without cheats as he is with.

Wow, I never imagined cheating would be so easy in dota 2. I thought you'd need to intercept network packets and actually hack Dota in some way, not just run a script.

Most numbers on the picture pretty much speaks for itself as I can see. It tells how many mines you need to kill a specific hero in dota 2 and if you can instakill them with suicide. The lighter green circle shows the damage radius of mines. The other circle shows the radius of the enemy sentry in dota 2 (lol).

Valve better wake the fuck up about this stuff. These script kiddies can highhandedly ruin an online pubby scene in dota 2. It has already happened to plenty of other games that had the fun sucked out of them.

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